2020 is a very strange year. A year of: gratitude. Despite the initial hiccups, I am grateful that Singapore doesn’t turn out to be what is like in US or Europe insanity. The number of people who still voted for Trump, Trump himself, and of course CoVID and the countries’ responses (or ignorance) home. A … Read more 2020

青春 戒不掉

青春是什么? 青春不是年华,而是心境 – 塞缪尔·厄尔曼 也有些人说,青春是一种单纯,一种荒唐,一种冲动,一种后知后觉,一种失去了才知道它存在的东西。也有人的青春是不断循环的习题和考试,热血沸腾的为自己最爱的东西付出 (eg 追偶像,打比赛),横冲直撞的不断尝试,欢笑不断地朋友聚会,长不完的青春痘,不知未来的寻找方向,单纯的我喜欢你。 如果要选出一个青春的画面,我不会忘记我高二毕业舞会过后的事情。当时18岁的我们,舞会过后回到了我们早订好的Pan Pacific 的套房。大概15个人,挤在一间算大不大,算小不小的套房,不想就这么虚度这个夜晚。于是,我们一群人决定尝试“大人们”做的事情 – 去酒吧。一群人穿着舞会的礼服在凌晨2.30am 浩浩荡荡就这么打车到了Mohamed Sultan Road。回想起来,不知那几个司机是怎么看我们这群人的,哈哈。但是到了那里,我们被整排的酒吧给拒了,那时才知道原来酒吧是3am 打烊的。当时的凌晨2am一片静悄悄, 没地方去,悲剧的我们只能回到酒店去。在没有 Grab 的年代,这么晚(还是早?)是不容易叫到那么多辆车的。于是,我们决定,走回去酒店。一大群人,在空无一人的大街上嘻嘻哈哈,显得很唐突。3km, 并不算长,但在我记忆里却变得很长。我只记得我们回到酒店后打牌,喝酒,睡觉,但不记得隔天的事情了。 常常,“大人“们的我们,感叹着,青春好美,但好远。青春会美好,是因为它一去不复返,还是我们可以荒唐、任性、单纯? 如果,青春是荒唐中带着有恃无恐、跌跌撞撞中带着欢笑声,也许它从来没有远离我们。现在的我们,虽然经过现实的洗礼变得收敛些,但还不是依然时而荒唐,时而勇敢,时而跌倒也时而大笑。这,不就是依然青春的我们? 有句老掉牙的话:每个人的心中都住着一个孩子。 每个人也仍然是个青年,而青春的魅力是无法戒掉的,也请不要戒掉。

Measure what Matters

1. Measure What Matters: – What is important for the next three (six or twelve) months? – What are our main priorities? 2. Objective & Key Result (What & How) – Align and Connect for Teamwork – Aggressive yet realistic – Tangible, objective and unambiguous – Describe outcomes 3. Track for Accountability

10 Mysterious Rules

十定律: 80/20 Rule: roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes Butterfly Effect: small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Be prepared, 做事要高调,做人要低调 Law of Attraction: focusing on positive or negative thoughts people can bring positive or negative … Read more 10 Mysterious Rules