Have been home alone for the past week. My parents have flown to Chengdu for 6 days, from Mon to Sat, for holiday. It’s the first time I didn’t travel with them. Honestly, I’m looking quite forward and rather excited becuase it was the first time I’m home alone for such a long period of time and I have total freedom to do what I want at home.. Usually, I cannot watch the TV programmes that I would like to, as my dad will hog the TV the whole day and would critise me and the show if I switch to some other channel that he does not like. Besides, he would force me to sleep at around 11pm .. But for the past week, with my one-week freedom, I was in front of my telly after coming back from work, channel-surfing and watching VCDs all the time. Not only that, I also slept later. (I only slept at 1am on Fri night/Sat morning).. haha.. bad girl.. I do miss my parents acutally, especially during dinners. Being a lazy person, my dinners are “ready made” and meals that are exactly for a lazy person. Proof: one dinner I had bread and I had mantou and egg in another.

They came back from Chengdu in the early hours this morning. From their comments and stories, I figured out that they didn’t exactly have a nice trip. They were complaining about the food being too spicy, the air being too dusty, there were too many smokers, etc.. I think I have 先见之明, that’s why I didn’t want to go. Hahaha..

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