
十二年,一个说长不长,说短不短的时间。 十二年前的我,还是个大学生,是社会的新鲜人,而有这么一的电视节目闯进我的世界,带给我很多欢乐,这个节目,就是传说中的《康熙来了》。 《康熙来了》以轻松、诙谐的方式访问来宾,蔡康永的冷以及上小S的热,搭配出别一般的效果。它带我看到很多名人的另一面,让我更了解台湾,让我更了解人,更让我发现原来电视节目也可以这样的。它也陪我度过了很多失落、寂寞的时候。虽然到了后期节目似乎有点疲惫,也许是我长大了,觉得有些话题很无聊,但若有大明星驾到,我还是会看,因为蔡康永和小S总呈现嘉宾的另一面。 《康熙来了》成为电视的重要指标,相信它的地位很难被超越。它不仅是我青春的回忆,也是很多华人必看的节目。它的出现也改变了华人电视综艺节目。2016年1月14日,《康熙来了》画上了句点,谢谢你带给我的欢乐。


虚伪的微笑 没诚意的寒暄 人们,总是人前笑、人后唾弃 真真假假、虚虚实实 这个世界没有人规定一定要对你好或诚实 残酷的世界,只有自己可以保护自己 人生,有输家,有赢家 可是没有人会永远输或赢 当输的时候,要忍耐、要等待,要知道哪里跌倒,再爬起来 可是有时间等吗?

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

如果要形容我的2015, 也许可以用“忙里偷闲”来形容。哈哈

Yesterday marked the start of another brand new year, 2016. As 阿信 has put on his FB, if it isn’t separation of years, the day will just be another ordinary day.

My 2015 has been a pretty interesting one, a year which I had A LOT of rest. Perhaps maybe slightly too much. Opps.. Haha. My 2015 will be remembered for:

  • Trips to KL (“work”), Canada & HK, Europe (1.5 months!) and Taiwan. I don’t think I will get another opportunity to travel like this anymore. The experiences have really been wonderful, which I definitely will cherish.
  • Friendship and Graduation. Finally I have obtained my Masters, but what I gained most from the program is the friendship. Knowing a bunch of friends who you can laugh with and share your experience with is something which money cannot buy.
  • My near experience with entrepreneurship. Interesting and fun experience, from setting up the office to launching the website.
  • Books. It is also a year which I have read a lot, from Psychology to Body Language to Novels. How could I forget my favourites 《何以笙箫默》 and 《他来了,请闭眼》? The TV show from the former was also my favourite in 2015.
  • New job. Just started my new job after job hunt of around 3 months. A bit tired of interviews after some time, having to repeat the same stuff over and over again. Opps.. Ended up in an alcoholic company, and the funny thing is that I don’t drink.

How will my 2016 be? I have no crystal ball to that. 希望我会有多很多勇敢,少很多犹豫。And hopefully, I will not still be single (oh wellsss)… See how the year goes.


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Starting all over again

对于新的事物,我总是忐忑不安。新的环境、新的生活、新的开始,我不知道我是否可以适应。有人告诉我别的公司没有我前公司那么好“混”。好吧,总该面对现实。 这几个月“偷来”的假期要结束了。与其说是“假期”,其实好做了蛮多事的: 第一次离创业那么近。这假期里大多数的时间用在我朋友的新公司,从无到有,这种建立公司的感觉很棒,很有成就感。老实说,创业需要很大的勇气(和资本),而我没有。所以,相信这也会是我唯一一次能够参与创业过程。 看了好几本书,大多与心理学有关。喜欢了解人的想法,哈哈 去了台湾一趟,吃了好多 🙂 未来,真的很难有这么一段长的假期了。好吧,不可以再想了。对去新的未来,但愿就顺其自然吧。


我的少女时代。 看了这部电影后,除了感人的情节,那生涩若隐若现的爱情,那疯狂的学校生涯,我突然觉得我的少女时代,好像很没什么。没有校园恋爱,没有疯狂举动,也没有什么作为。是不是因为我太冷淡,太不勇敢,太害怕,而一切一切的“太”,变成今天的我。也许,我应该把一个一个的“太”拿掉… 小幸運 電影 《我的少女時代》 主題曲 田馥甄 我聽見雨滴 落在青青草地 我聽見遠方 下課鐘聲響起 可是我沒有聽見你的聲音 認真呼喚我姓名 愛上你的時候 還不懂感情 離別了 才覺得刻骨銘心 為什麼沒有發現 遇見了你 是生命最好的事情 也許當時 忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星 人理所當然的忘記 是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地 原來你是 我最想留住的幸運 原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近 那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨 一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心 與你相遇 好幸運 可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利 但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼 遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運 青春是段跌跌撞撞的旅行 擁有著後知後覺的美麗 來不及感謝 是你給我勇氣 讓我能做回我自己 也許當時 忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星 人理所當然的忘記 是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地 … Read more 我的少女时代

Summer 2015

Approximately 2 weeks back from my Europe Summer cum Grad trip, with wonderful great memories, and I couldn’t have asked for more.

40 days (15 June – 24 July),
24hrs on the plane,
56hrs in the train (with 1 of them stuck for 1hr due to heavy storm which caused a tree to fall across the track),
5 countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic & Netherlands),
16 cities & towns,
11 accommodations,
30kg of shopping (in total),
18-36 Celsius (in the day) experienced,
25 packs of instant noodles, 2 packs of bak kut teh & 1 pack of porridge devoured,
n H&M shops sighted,
n wurst spotted,
n Mozart seen & heard,
many friends made, and
3 happy travelers 🙂

The trip revolved around a Summer Program organised by HHL, but really, it was just an excuse to travel. Haha. It marked a lot of “first” and “-est” for me as well:

  • Longest trip I have been on, travelling to 5 countries and changing accommodation 11 times: Really have to thank my travel buddies to pull this off without much hitch esp logistically wise
  • Longest time away from home
  • First time studying overseas: We had difficulty finding a sign in the campus indicating the school name. LOL. And we learnt how good our profs are (we even had a pair of 双簧 profs there. LOL). Opps.. Haha
  • First time staying in a boat: what an experience it was. Our boat was quite small (or rather, cosy). We were not able to do many things comfortable, except perhaps to lie on the bed. Haha. During the first night as the wind was quite strong, it became quite noisy as well with the waves hitting against the boat. The shower and toilet, fortunately were very clean, were in a building nearby, thus it felt like a camp for us. The slogan for the stay was: 将就就好. Hahaha.
  • First time spending many consecutive days with friends: it was a really fun and great experience
  • First time experiencing a 18 degrees Summer in Europe: Having been to Europe a few times in Summer, I thought the weather this time round would be similar as well, thus my luggage was filled with clothes for summer, with my windbreaker as the only piece to protect me from any cold weather. How wrong I was. When we landed in Munich, it was only around 20-24 degrees with cooling winds. Vienna was even colder, with a day high of 18 degree. I had no choice but to reinforce my equipment with a jacket and a scarf. The temperature began to feel like Summer later on, hitting a high of 36 degrees in Dresden, but it fell back to around 20 degrees in Amsterdam, our final stop. It’s a full circle eh? We were also fortunate because 2 days after we left Amsterdam, there was a huge storm across the countries. Trains stopped running from Central Amsterdam and flights from Amsterdam Airport were delayed. Imagine – us in a boat.. what a scene it would be.
  • Consumed the most amount of alcohol during the short period: Being afraid that I would be drunk given my past experience in Munich, I didn’t really drink a lot. But still, given the cheap and good wine and beer there, I drank much more than I am in Singapore (where I don’t really drink).
  • First overseas outdoor concerts: enjoyed great outdoor music in Prague and Hannover
  • First time seeing so many H&Ms around: In the past when I was in Europe, I did not notice that there were so many H&Ms around. There were H&Ms in every city and in some places, there were even 2 or 3 on the same street, not far apart!
  • First time consuming so many instant noodles during a short period of time: Given that my parents’ massive disapproval of instant noodles, I had to go overseas to consume instant noodles. Lol
  • First time cooking for my friends (apart from Home Econs exam)

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